Sustained competitive advantage requires an organization to be innovative and agile in responding to the demands of both external and internal forces. Innovation and change can be perceived as assaults on the organizations current functioning systems (adversity). Adversity is central to all conceptualizations of RESILIENCY!
Leadership is responsible for establishing a culture of resilient individuals and teams. Cultures conducive for resiliency allow people to self struggle and cue their Human Capital resources, but prepares for their inefficiencies.
Resilient people are more adaptable than vulnerable people. They cope by using various protective resources either within themselves or their environment.
Resilient Individuals:
- Perceive experiences constructively, even if those experiences cause pain
- Demonstrate positive adaptive behaviors
- Access and utilize resources other than those typically used in their job
- Expand decision-making boundaries: ability/authority to make decisions
- Adapt/innovate: utilize whatever materials are on hand when situations unravel
- Tolerance for uncertainty: capacity to make good decisions under duress
- Build virtual role systems: function in the absence of team members
Characteristics of Resilient Teams
- Defined processes where members use individual/collective resources to positively adapt
- Largely unaffected/return to normal operating levels quicker
- Shared perception regarding their capability to resist/recover
- Generated through trust, cohesion, creativity, collective efficacy
High quality relationships (mutuality) most important in developing team resilience capacity
Group of resilient individuals does not always equate to resilient teams
Resilient individuals may cope in ways that are effective for their individual performance, but detrimental to the structures and processes of team

Assessing Resilience
- Personal belief (of team members): ability to do their job properly as a team
- Leadership: how leader presents obstacles/difficulties as challenges, and guides employees in the right way
- Teamwork: unified focus on shared objective
- Organizational support: resources needed to achieve their goal efficiently
Organizations must consider a combination of affective, social/relational, and cognitive factors together to foster team resilience capacity
Soteria Alliance enhances culture and develops resiliency in the workplace.
Your organization achieves elevated performance!