Bigger, Braver, and Better
Customized solutions for business challenges
Soteria (prevention from harm) was established to provide businesses with the opportunity to access experts in a variety of consulting fields within one organization. It operates on an associate’s model with renowned consultants sharing aligned values and the desired outcome for each of our clients to optimize performance.
Our associates model allows us to customize our teams from our vast network of freelance experts and trusted partners providing you with innovative solutions to your business problems. The alliance head office is based in Canada, but we are an international agency providing services worldwide and in a multitude of languages.

When businesses engage their employees they can expectEngaged Employee =
Engaged Employee =
Multiple Languages
Renowned Practitioners
Flexibility and Agility
Diverse Experience
Functional/Practical Expertise
Good Leader: revered by the people
Wicked Leader: despised by the people
Great Leader: people say "WE DID IT OURSELVES"
A business consultancy that customizes services for our clients
24 October 2024 Know Your Role…Play Your Role
10 October 2024 Mitigating Resistance
26 September 2024 Planning For Change